- Changing workflow: Bringing work to the workpiece
- Innovative turning process for vertical lathes
- Material-specific taps continue to evolve
- New approaches to machining microscale medical parts
- Deburring: an essential but often overlooked process
- Machinist's Corner: When suppliers are the weakest link in the chain
- Shop Operations: Do you tap or thread-mill?
- Get With The Program: Post-programming fixture design
- Lasers take Swiss-style lathes to higher level
- Machine Technology: Taking a turn for the better
- Manager's Desk: When not to listen
- Studying the impact of climate change on machines
Cutting Tool Engineering Magazine
Cutting Tool Engineering magazine, published 12 times a year by CTE Publications Inc., helps manufacturing professionals enhance the productivity of their companies' cutting and grinding operations, and provides essential insights for machining professionals. Browse through our digital issue archive below and select the digital format you prefer: via our Cutting Tool Engineering app, a PDF file, or an interactive digital edition that can be viewed on any device by visiting digital.ctemag.com.
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Issue Archive
May 2018 | Vol. 70 | Issue 5
April 2018 | Vol. 70 | Issue 4
- Machine Technology: Actions to keep spindles spinning
- Look Ahead: Nippon Bearing unveils EXRAIL roller guide
- Look Ahead: Mitsubishi introduces stand-alone M80W CNC
- Understanding coatings and how they lower machining costs
- Making the most of tired CNC machining centers
- Shop Operations: Precision at Mach speed
- Ask The Grinding Doc: Reducing hydroplaning forces while grinding
- Shop credits growth to focus on machining large parts
- Manager's Desk: Spring attitude adjustment
- Effective training programs improve employees’ skills, morale
- Your machinists are not the problem
March 2018 | Vol. 70 | Issue 3
- Look Ahead: Superfine-abrasive waterjetting
- Look Ahead: Staying on the cutting edge
- Shop implements system of safety tickets
- Productive Times: A 'liquid' tool change
- Factors to consider before bringing abrasive waterjetting in-house
- Advanced metalworking fluid filtration aids finer finish
- Moldmakers tout benefits of aluminum molds for production
- Reprogramming your reaction to priciest tools
- Gear pioneer Kate Gleason was way ahead of her time
- Rising complexity of machine maintenance
- Shop Operations: Don't hack away at chatter problems
- Cemecon opens new tool coating facility
- Shop bulks up machine arsenal to make colossal components
- Developing tools for cutting composites
- Machine Technology: Protecting man, woman and machine
- Manager's Desk: Protect proprietary company information
- Big market for colossal parts
February 2018 | Vol. 70 | Issue 2
- Lead Angle: View from Earth will do just fine, thank you
- Automation helping small-to-medium suppliers compete
- Advancements in digital vision systems make measuring parts simpler, more repeatable
- Maximize preventive maintenance for machine tools
- Ask the Grinding Doc: Wheel tests on the fly
- Inverting the spindle on a vertical turret lathe can make a great lathe even better
- Deburring lab seeks to smooth rough edges faster
- Shop Operations: A few unorthodox machining tips
- Manager's Desk: Owning company communications
- Proper way to measure feature concentricity
January 2018 | Vol. 70 | Issue 1
- From Single-Task Machines to Backflipping Robots: The Evolution of Robots
- Poll reveals CNC likes and dislikes
- Tips for preventing workhardening when boring
- In Digital Manufacturing, the Product Is Intellectual Property
- Machinist's Corner: Raising the level of skills
- Get With The Program: Silo systems can't maintain equipment
- Shop Operations: Flat stones for fine finishing
- Productive Times: Abrasive globules for finishing
- Machine Technology: Added dimensions boost accuracy
- Look Ahead: Speeding up lubrication
- Look Ahead: A here-and-now gage
- Manager's Desk: Learn and don't repeat
- Lead Angle: Setting the stages for Industry 4.0
December 2017 | Vol. 69 | Issue 12
- Cutting oil fire risk requires precautions
- Manufacturing dignity for patients
- Manufacturing parts in outer space
- Look Ahead: Autonomous milling goes the distance
- Look Ahead: Flexible, accurate edge inspection
- Turning to improvisation to meet customer needs
- Poll offers snapshot of what matters to CNC users
- As economic outlooks go, 2018 is looking up
- Productive Times: Modular toolholder finds its groove
- Rebuilding a CNC machine takes skill and money. Is it worth it?
- Quick-change-jaw systems for chucks offer multiple benefits
- Get With the Program: From machine to CAM programming
- Shop Operations: Clever tools for finding an edge
- Ask the Grinding Doc: Avoiding chatter resonance
- Convertible headstocks becoming the norm on Swiss-style machines
- Large vertical lathes available at reasonable prices
- Manager's Desk: Shop owners need to review costs of services at year’s end
November 2017 | Vol. 69 | Issue 11
Cutting Tool Engineering's annual Buyers Guide issue.
October 2017 | Vol. 69 | Issue 10
- Look Ahead: All together now
- Look Ahead: Securing robots' 'personal space'
- Productive Times: Slicing through the challenge
- Modular fixturing pros and cons
- Navigating safety regulations
- Shop considers investing in 5-axis machining
- Get With the Program: Right from wrong
- Shop Operations: It's hip to be square
- Machinist's Corner: A look at D-O-W-N-T-I-M-E
- Chamfers and countersinks halt burr formation
- Machine Technology: Manually measuring 5-axis centerlines
- Understanding relationship between air pressure and flow
- Reaching new heights
- Three unexpected machine monitoring benefits
- Manager's Desk: Shops offer help after Harvey
- Lead Angle: Don't be scared to take five
- New approach to cutting heat-resistant superalloys
- Save time by setting tools offline with a presetter
- Autodesk: Constant cutting forces speed milling
- Longtime precision-machining shop adds 3D printing
September 2017 | Vol. 69 | Issue 9
- Look Ahead: Small advances in watwerjet
- Productive Times: Sold on a cell
- Investing in streamlined plant operations boosts profit
- Shop credits timing for successful holemaking operations
- Aerospace supplier lives up to challenges
- Alternatives to steep tapers
- Machinist's Corner: Show customers you care
- Get With the Program: Controlling the shop floor
- Machine Technology: No-hands tool changing
- Taking measures to improve metrology
- Three steps to optimizing machining
- No-cost thread mill program generators
- How to keep from scrapping parts
- High-pressure coolant breaks the vapor barrier
- Swarf is telling you something
- Manager's Desk: Shop owner deals with theft
- Shop Operations: A fresh look at 1-2-3 blocks
- 3D-printed bone drill improves surgeries
- Lead Angle: Targeting markets high and low
August 2017 | Vol. 69 | Issue 8
- Choosing a parts-marking method depends on the application
- Look Ahead: Trochoidal endmill (over)laps competition
- Look Ahead: Titanic robot, tiny tolerances
- Low-wattage lasers: faster, gentler, eco-friendly
- Factors affecting proper coolant application when grinding
- Lessons learned from threading nuts, bolts for gas turbines
- Process creates steel that's a-peeling
- CAD/CAM software for ultraprecision machining
- Explosive deburring ideal for complex parts
- Ask the Grinding Doc: Loading the wheel
- Shop Operations: Consider a 4-jaw independent lathe chuck
- Manager's Desk: Time to awaken the shop
- Machine Technology: Hybrid upsides and design considerations
- Lead Angle: Manufacturing and its myths
July 2017 | Vol. 69 | Issue 7
- The fundamentals of industrial sawing
- Look Ahead: an oscillating laser head for joining, cutting
- Look Ahead: a novel 3D-connector inspection system
- Productive Times: a high-torque conversion
- Productive Times: Productivity times savings
- Determining when a custom toolholder is a better option
- Machinist's Corner: New kid on the block
- Shop Operations: Get your bearings
- Abrasive waterjets now a viable 3D cutting option
- Get With The Program: Making the most of macros
- Rotary transfer machines: Eclipsing the past
- Machine Technology: Preparation automation pays
- Custom machines offer solutions standard ones sometimes can’t
- One mission, two bottom lines
- Manager's Desk: Smart phone policies for shops
- Considerations when having taps resharpened
- Selecting a turret or gang tooling for a CNC lathe
- Tips for shops set on moving machine tools DIY
- Workholding solutions for 5-axis applications
- Lead Angle: Are we near the peak?
June 2017 | Vol. 69 | Issue 6
- Look Ahead: Point-and-click robot control
- Look Ahead: 3D printing picks up the pace
- Scanning a hypercar
- Productive Times: Kick out the jams
- Productive Times: From dovetails to dimples
- Trim waste with proactive environmental program
- Routing new composite materials requires new solutions
- Success detected for noncontact inspection
- Dry, tight fluid connectors require the right tool
- Ask the Grinding Doc: The question is academic
- Shop Operations: Catch a tiger by the tail
- Workholding: Building chucks to hold wheels
- Cleaning corrupt CAD models
- One year into the future at GE
- Colson Group reshores manufacturing
- Advancements in edge finders
- Toolmaker targets titanium
- Machine Technology: Building 'monster' machines