Klüberoil SUL 1 US Series Oils

Klüberoil SUL 1 US Series Oils

Klüber Lubrication has introduced Klüberoil SUL 1 US series oils, a synthetic refrigeration compressor oil designed for requirements of closed-loop ammonia refrigeration systems.

Klüberoil SUL 1 US series oils provide value-added benefits in the areas of improved system efficiency and higher productivity, as well as reduced oil carryover, enhanced cleanliness and chemical and thermal stability, enhanced wear protection, lower foaming tendency, extended oil drain interval capability and less oil make-up, according to the company.

Klüberoil SUL 1 US series oils are well-suited for rotary screw and reciprocating compressors in ammonia service. They are compatible with naphthenic and other hydrotreated paraffinic-based compressor oils for ammonia service, as well as PAO and alkylbenzene-based products. They are also compatible with all seal elastomers commonly used in these systems including Buna-N, NBR and Neoprene.