GN 421 Hollow Knurled Knobs

J.W. Winco Inc. offers GN 421 nylon plastic hollow knurled knobs with a threaded stud in new inch and metric sizes.

These RoHS-compliant knobs are made of black nylon plastic with a smooth, glossy finish. The threaded stud is zinc plated steel, molded-in. Various threads and stud lengths are offered. The straight knurling on the knob surface provides a comfortable yet secure grip for fine adjustments or clamping.

Knobs have a maximum heat resistance of 110° C (230° F). For certain minimum quantities, other colors are available upon request.

Related Glossary Terms

  • knurling


    Chipless material-displacement process that is usually accomplished on a lathe by forcing a knurling die into the surface of a rotating workpiece to create a pattern. Knurling is often performed to create a decorative or gripping surface and repair undersized shafts.