CRYSTA-Apex V Series

High Speed, aAccurate, Precise, Versatile CNC Coordinate Measuring Machine

Mitutoyo America Corporation is pleased to announce the release of the CRYSTA-Apex V Series to its Coordinate Measuring Machine product line. The new generation of the CRYSTA-Apex Series will provide the highest speed, accuracy, precision, and versatility in the current Mitutoyo CNC coordinate measuring machine line-up. The launch of the CRYSTA-Apex V also introduces the Mitutoyo Gold Care PLUS Productivity Program.

Key features:

  • High-Speed/High Acceleration/Drive: Features a maximum measuring speed significantly faster than competitive CNCs. The combination of high speed and high acceleration dramatically reduces measuring time and cost.
  • Shorter Measurement Times: Users can set measuring paths for high speed scanning, 3D and active scanning of complex workpieces.
  • Temperature Compensation System: Guarantees measurement accuracy for temperature conditions between 16 to 26°C. Independent sensors work in tandem to measure scale, workpiece and ambient temperature. Results are superior to comparable systems that only compensate for scale temperature.
  • Smart Factory Functionality: The CRYSTA-Apex V series utilizes three smart factory applications, consolidating the information management manufacturing process within a network:
    • Status Monitor: Allows remote monitoring of the operational status of measuring instruments.
    • Condition Monitor: Enables remote monitoring of the current condition of measuring instruments.
    • MeasurLink®Reduces the production of defective parts through “visualizing quality” via complete data management.
  • Smart Measuring System (SMS):  Allows on-line monitoring of the measuring status and visualization of measurement data, enabling product quality improvement and internet of things capabilities.
  • Superior Flexibility: CRYSTA-Apex V Series can adapt to work on a range of sizes for small- to medium-sized work pieces. It also features multi-sensor capabilities and compatible vision and scanning probe technologies.

Gold Care PLUS is an updated version of the Mitutoyo legacy productivity program, Gold Care. Gold Care PLUS continues many of the Gold Care features while adding MeasurLink® V9, Status Monitor with integrated MT Connect, Quick Launcher, Fixture builder, a 12A power conditioner and an air dryer. 

Related Glossary Terms

  • computer numerical control ( CNC)

    computer numerical control ( CNC)

    Microprocessor-based controller dedicated to a machine tool that permits the creation or modification of parts. Programmed numerical control activates the machine’s servos and spindle drives and controls the various machining operations. See DNC, direct numerical control; NC, numerical control.

  • fixture


    Device, often made in-house, that holds a specific workpiece. See jig; modular fixturing.