Hypertherm Inc.

With enhanced thickness and speed capabilities, the XPR460 sets a new standard for precision and productivity. The system delivers superior performance in cut quality, thickness capacity, and cutting speeds. This innovative technology ensures consistent part quality from the initial cut to the last, delivering superior cutting versatility for mild…
The CorePlus gas connect console is positioned between the current Core and VWI (Vented Water Injection) consoles and introduces argon gas capability for customers that primarily cut mild steel. The gas console offers all Core console capabilities plus argon marking and an increase in piercing thickness with argon-assist enhanced piercing…
Robotmaster 2024 is designed for users who need to program multiple robots to perform a variety of processes within the same cell environment. The ability to program multiple robots enhances the programming workflow and gives the user a single view of the entire system to review the workspace for collisions. In addition, users can now leverage…
ProNest LT subscriptions for waterjet will support virtually any make or model of a waterjet machine, allowing users to easily insert the nesting component into their existing workflow. There are two waterjet subscription tiers to choose from.
The Robotmaster plugin for Mastercam supports Mastercam 2023, the current release, as well as Mastercam 2021 and 2022. And while the new plugin streamlines robotic programming for Mastercam customers, those looking for a standalone solution can simply rely on Robotmaster's integrated CAD/CAM functionality. The software allows customers to…
The cartridge replaces the traditional 5-piece consumable stackup with a perfectly aligned part that lasts longer and delivers extended high-definition cut quality. It makes consumable management and assembly much easier, and eliminates errors caused by incorrect handling or installation.
Like other SmartSYNC torches, these new torches automatically set the correct amperage, air pressure, and operating mode upon installation of the consumable cartridge and allow the operator to change the cartridge without returning to the power supply.  The torches also come with Hypertherm’s FastConnect™ feature to make switching between torches…
Robotmaster 2023 bridges the gap between CAD/CAM and robotics by enabling seamless integration between a user’s chosen CAD/CAM software and Robotmaster. This automatic integration eliminates the need to import and sync data for a 75 percent reduction in programming time. It also eliminates the programming errors that can happen when using a manual…
—Hypertherm, a U.S. based manufacturer of industrial cutting systems and software, today announced a major version update to ProNest® 2023, its advanced CAD/CAM nesting software for automated cutting. This new release contains a collection of new features and on-going enhancements designed to help customers improve their operational efficiency…
PlateSaver is available through Hypertherm’s ProNest and other authorized software for fabricators cutting mild steel on a CNC table using X-Definition plasma. It combines the arc stability of X-Definition plasma with specialized software parameters to dramatically increase material utilization. Those parameters cause PlateSaver to use shorter…
Production Manager seamlessly integrates with Hypertherm’s EDGE Connect CNC, to automatically capture machine data without the need for operator intervention. In addition, it displays real-time production data so team members across an organization can track the status of job orders, the production schedule, and pending inventory requirements.
Robotmaster, a Hypertherm brand, is an offline robot programming software that helps manufacturers maximize their robot’s productivity with easy and efficient robot programming for a variety of applications such as cutting, trimming, milling, welding, spraying, polishing, sanding, grinding, deburring, and more. Robotmaster uses integrated CAD/CAM…
The cartridge is manufactured as a single piece so everything within it is perfectly aligned and optimized. As a result, the Hypertherm cartridge for Powermax systems will last up to twice as long and deliver cleaner cuts versus traditional consumables. The cartridge can even track data, like starts and arc-on time, to identify trends and make a…
This release features several improvements inspired by our user base. The undo feature was one of the top suggestions we received from customers, so we knew we had to get it into this release and we’re super excited to see it come to fruition.
Building upon the redesigned V7 architecture, first introduced in 2018, Robotmaster uses integrated CAD/CAM functionality to make robotic programming easy and intuitive for everyone, even first-time users. The software is used by a wide range of industries to program robots for tasks that include surfacing, 3D milling, additive manufacturing,…
Common line cutting which allows operators to cut two or more parts so that they share at least one common line with one another. This provides greater material utilization and better consumable life. Costing for parts, nests, and jobs to include factors such as consumable wear, machine operating cost, labor costs, electricity, etc. Auto-select of…
ProNest 2021 builds on the strong foundation of ProNest 2019 to make the programming process more efficient. Whether using plasma, waterjet, laser, or oxyfuel cutting, this new version provides the powerful tools fabricators and manufacturers need to increase material savings, boost productivity, lower operating costs, and improve part quality.
Hypertherm announced a minor version update to ProNest 2019, its advanced CAD/CAM nesting software for automated cutting. This new release contains targeted features and enhancements designed to make customers more efficient and profitable.
Hypertherm is shipping consumable kits for its XPR X-Definition Plasma systems. These new consumable starter kits are available with or without a torch for mild steel and nonferrous cutting applications. The kits include a variety of consumables to allow for cutting at different amperages, using all of the gas process types supported by the XPR170…
Hypertherm is introducing three new torch sleeves for XPR plasma cutting torches and lead sets. The sleeves allow the torch and lead sets to remain axially fixed while the torch holding device rotates 360 degrees in either a clockwise or counter-clockwise direction. This capability greatly enhances torch lead life in high-flex applications.
Hypertherm announced a minor version update of Rotary Tube Pro, software that makes it easier to design and cut tube and pipe parts with no 3D CAD experience required.
Hypertherm is launching Robotmaster V7, a task-based robot programming platform built from scratch on a new architecture. Robotmaster V7 caters to process experts to make robot programming easy and intuitive, even for first-time robot users. This new programming platform builds on the performance of Robotmaster’s offline programming CAD/CAM…
Hypertherm announced the release of ProNest 2019, a major version update of its advanced CAD/CAM nesting software for automated cutting. This new release contains more than a dozen new features and enhancements designed to make customers more efficient and profitable.
Hypertherm introduces the availability of FlushCut consumables for more Powermax plasma systems. These new consumables are designed to work at 45 amps on Powermax45 XP, 65, 85, and 105 systems. In addition, owners of the original Powermax45 can use the consumables provided they upgrade to a Hypertherm Duramax series torch. Previously, FlushCut…
Hypertherm announced its most significant advance in mechanized plasma cutting with the introduction of an entirely new class of plasma called X-Definition. This new plasma is available in a 300-amp plasma system called the XPR300.
Hypertherm is introducing a new Centricut brand air curtain for underwater cutting with ESAB plasma systems. The air curtain is designed for use with the Centricut brand quick change torch for ESAB PT-36, PT-600, and PT-19XLS torches.
Hypertherm is shipping its PowerDredge waterjet abrasive-removal unit to customers around the world. The unit increases waterjet productivity and profitability by automating costly abrasive clean-outs. Instead of relying on manual labor to shovel or suck out used abrasive, the PowerDredge automatically collects and deposits abrasive into a large…
Hypertherm is expanding its support for technical education by offering free licenses of its ProNest CAD/CAM software to North American schools, trade unions and other training facilities. The effort is part of an expansive commitment to the next generation of fabricating professionals.
Hypertherm Associates, a U.S.-based manufacturer of industrial cutting products and software, is gearing up for FABTECH Canada 2024, a metal forming, fabricating, welding and finishing event.
Hypertherm Associates and BLM GROUP have entered into a strategic partnership agreement aimed at expanding the market reach of their respective solutions.
Hypertherm Associates to award Powermax systems to 12 North American schools as part of Spark Something Great grant program.

Jake Brown shares highlights from FABTECH 2024, where Hypertherm showcased its latest advancements in plasma and water jet cutting. The XPR 460 plasma system, now integrated by all OEMs, took center stage, along with the PowerMax, the industry’s top-selling handheld plasma cutter. Attendees also explored a two-headed water jet…

People & Companies

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HANOVER, N.H.—Oct. 30, 2018—Hypertherm, a U.S. based manufacturer of industrial cutting systems and software, today announced the formation of Hypertherm Ventures, a new corporate venture capital (CVC) arm, to foster greater interaction with the technology venture community.
Hypertherm Inc., Hanover, N.H., a manufacturer of industrial cutting systems and software, is celebrating its 50th year of industrial cutting innovation by introducing programs designed to deliver greater value to longtime customers.
KENT, Wash. and HANOVER, N.H.—OMAX Corporation, a manufacturer of abrasive waterjet systems, plans to join forces with Hypertherm, a U.S. based manufacturer of industrial cutting systems and software, following the signing of a definitive merger agreement that establishes OMAX as a wholly-owned subsidiary of Hypertherm.
Hypertherm co-founder Dick Couch, wife and business partner Barbara Couch, and president and CEO Evan Smith are recovering from a whirlwind 14-day trip around the world to visit Hypertherm’s international associates.
KENT, Wash. and HANOVER, N.H.—OMAX Corporation, a manufacturer of abrasive waterjet systems, and Hypertherm, a U.S. based manufacturer of industrial cutting systems and software, today announced the successful closing of a previously announced agreement to establish OMAX as a wholly-owned subsidiary of Hypertherm.