Vulcan Compression Endmills

Vulcan Compression Endmills

Kyocera’s new Vulcan compression endmills are for routing composites. The Vulcan compression endmill is designed with up-cut and down-cut flutes to compress the composite material, preventing delamination.

The spiral flute design creates a shearing action to cleanly cut the fibers. Utilizing a positive rake angle, the compression endmill makes quick, sharp cuts, minimizing heat and preventing the formation of resin burrs.

Related Glossary Terms

  • composites


    Materials composed of different elements, with one element normally embedded in another, held together by a compatible binder.

  • endmill


    Milling cutter held by its shank that cuts on its periphery and, if so configured, on its free end. Takes a variety of shapes (single- and double-end, roughing, ballnose and cup-end) and sizes (stub, medium, long and extra-long). Also comes with differing numbers of flutes.

  • flutes


    Grooves and spaces in the body of a tool that permit chip removal from, and cutting-fluid application to, the point of cut.

  • rake


    Angle of inclination between the face of the cutting tool and the workpiece. If the face of the tool lies in a plane through the axis of the workpiece, the tool is said to have a neutral, or zero, rake. If the inclination of the tool face makes the cutting edge more acute than when the rake angle is zero, the rake is positive. If the inclination of the tool face makes the cutting edge less acute or more blunt than when the rake angle is zero, the rake is negative.