Klüber Lubrication offers Klübersynth GE 4 75 W 90, a fully synthetic high-performance gear oil based on PAO chemistry, which offers high shear stability and protection, even when exposed to impact load. It is particularly suitable for rail vehicle gears subject to high loads.
Klübersynth GE 4 75 W 90 offers a high scuffing load capacity of API GL-5, and can be used for gears which have to meet API GL-4 or API GL-5 requirements. The good wear protection of both gears and rolling bearings enables a long service life of the lubricated components for reduced maintenance costs. The high micropitting resistance of GFT ≥ 10 acc. to FVA 54/7 offers sufficient protection to gears that are subject to high loads and would normally be prone to this type of damage.
The good shear stability of the synthetic base oil prevents the decrease of the lubricating film thickness even under high loads. Due to the excellent ageing and oxidation stability of the synthetic base oil, oil change intervals are much longer than with mineral oils, thus reducing maintenance costs.
The excellent low-temperature capability enables a reliable function of the gear components. Klübersynth GE 4 75 W 90 is used for the lubrication of spur, bevel and hypoid gears requiring maximum wear protection and service life, even when exposed to impact loads. It is also suitable for drives in industrial robots, textile machines and forming presses.