EGP-CHP Blade and CTBU-CHP Block

Tungaloy Corp. announces the expansion for EasyMultiCut: the EGP-CHP blade and the CTBU-CHP block, both of which respectively have a coolant hole for high-pressure internal coolant supply. EasyMultiCut is the multi-functional tool series for grooving, featuring a unique self-clamping insert that increases tool rigidity.

The toolholder has no top clamping parts to hold down the insert, providing smooth chip evacuation and allowing deep groove/cut-off depths. The productivity of EasyMultiCut is remarkable even in face grooving operations where chip evacuation tends to be difficult.

The overhang lengths can be adjusted according to groove depths [max. parting off diameter: 4.72” (120 mm)], to assure tool rigidity is maximized during machining. In addition, through the coolant hole on the tip of the blade, ample coolant is constantly supplied to the cutting edge, which gives stable and long tool life.

Main features:

■ EGP-CHP blade is applicable for groove widths in 0.157”, 0.197” and 0.236” (4, 5, and 6 mm).

■ Max. parting off diameter: 4.72” (120 mm)

Related Glossary Terms

  • coolant


    Fluid that reduces temperature buildup at the tool/workpiece interface during machining. Normally takes the form of a liquid such as soluble or chemical mixtures (semisynthetic, synthetic) but can be pressurized air or other gas. Because of water’s ability to absorb great quantities of heat, it is widely used as a coolant and vehicle for various cutting compounds, with the water-to-compound ratio varying with the machining task. See cutting fluid; semisynthetic cutting fluid; soluble-oil cutting fluid; synthetic cutting fluid.

  • grooving


    Machining grooves and shallow channels. Example: grooving ball-bearing raceways. Typically performed by tools that are capable of light cuts at high feed rates. Imparts high-quality finish.

  • parting


    When used in lathe or screw-machine operations, this process separates a completed part from chuck-held or collet-fed stock by means of a very narrow, flat-end cutting, or parting, tool.

  • toolholder


    Secures a cutting tool during a machining operation. Basic types include block, cartridge, chuck, collet, fixed, modular, quick-change and rotating.