DuoJustCut Parting-Off Tool

Tungaloy has introduced DuoJustCut, the parting-off tool for Swiss-type lathes. The innovative clamping system designed for DuoJustCut provides highly rigid insert clamping, and a toolholder is applicable for three types of inserts according to parting-off diameters. Plus, the optimized overhang length delivers stable and productive machining.

The toolholders for subspindle are also available as standard, further expanding the application area of small parts.

Main features:

Unique clamping system provides highly rigid clamping.

A toolholder is applicable for three types of inserts according to parting-off diameters.

The optimized overhang length delivers stable machining.

Toolholders for subspindle are also available as standard.

Even if the first cutting edge is chipped, the other cutting edge can be used due to unique design of the insert clamping.

SH725, the new PVD grade for machining on Swiss lathes, extends tool life.

Related Glossary Terms

  • physical vapor deposition ( PVD)

    physical vapor deposition ( PVD)

    Tool-coating process performed at low temperature (500° C), compared to chemical vapor deposition (1,000° C). Employs electric field to generate necessary heat for depositing coating on a tool’s surface. See CVD, chemical vapor deposition.

  • toolholder


    Secures a cutting tool during a machining operation. Basic types include block, cartridge, chuck, collet, fixed, modular, quick-change and rotating.