
Aluma-Bright Foam

Aluma-Bright Foam can be used at 65°F to 180°F at concentrations of 1% to 10% by volume with water.  Foam, immerse, wipe, scrub, or spray on metal then rinse thoroughly with water.  Contact time will vary with soil loading and application.  For optimum results when working with large surfaces, clean from the bottom-to-top to minimize streaking effects, then water rinse from the top of the part and work towards the bottom.  Using a dedicated slow flood rinse motion with ambient to cool clean water, an operator can determine that soils and any acidic residual chemical residue are neutralized and rinsed away when a smooth water break free surface film is observed during rinsing.

Pulsed Two-Substance Ring Nozzle

The wear-free nozzle is equipped with a valve specially developed by acp for this purpose which enables pulse times as fast as 20 milliseconds. In contrast with pilot-operated standard valves, the direct control of the valve prevents icing and thus ensures reliable operation and consistently superior results. The jet and pause times can be set independently of each other, so that the pulses can be optimally adapted to the respective application and also to the part-specific cleaning sequence. At the same time, the pulsed jet reduces CO2 and compressed air consumption. Depending on the pulse time, savings between 10 and 15 percent can be achieved.


Safe for use on ferrous alloys when used as directed, ULTRA-CLEAN US-159 may etch or stain aluminum and zinc alloys, therefore pretesting before use is recommended.  Dilutions from 2-10% by volume in water that is 120-160° are typically effective.  Heavier soils and/or ultrasonic applications may benefit from operating at higher temperatures up to 190°F.  Follow cleaning step with a thorough ambient-to-warm water rinse.

Tooth Brush

Made with a long-lasting brass brush, the Tooth Brush is built for durability and easy to install on all machines. It is a convenient, affordable option to replace expensive and inflexible OEM brushes.