Suspended Electromagnet Models Available for Quick Shipping

Suspended Electromagnet Models Available for Quick Shipping

Eriezannounces that 10 of its most popular Suspended Electromagnet models are now available for quick shipping to meet customers’ most urgent demands. With a variety of sizes and both manual and self-cleaning options, these magnets fulfill practically any application requirement for extracting large ferrous objects from deep material burden depths.

Eriez Suspended Electromagnet (SEs) provide tramp metal collection from conveyed materials. The electromagnet is typically mounted or suspended over a conveyor belt to remove large pieces of tramp metal which represent a hazard to downstream crushers, mills, pulverizers and grinders. Units enhance overall product purity and remove sharp metal that can damage or tear expensive conveyor belts.

Eriez’ Magnetic Separation Product Manager Eric Confer explains that four manual clean models--SE-7635, SE-7735, SE-7835 and SE-7935--are included in Eriez’ 10-Day Quick Ship Program for delivery within 10 business days. These units range in size from 60 to 78 inches wide. To satisfy other expedited shipping needs, the company also keeps two additional manual clean SE magnets in stock: the 42-inch wide SE-7338 and 54-inch wide SE-7535. Self-Cleaning models SE-7323 to SE-7928, which vary in size from 42 to 84 inches wide, typically require three weeks or less to ship from order date.

Confer says, “Our CSA-rated SE-7000 Suspended Electromagnets are designed to provide peak performance, even in the harshest environments.” Eriez offers a 5-year coil warranty, but Confer notes the company’s decades of experience manufacturing suspended magnets has revealed that they generally operate at the highest standards well past the warranty period. He explains, “We’re often replacing magnets that have been in use for 20 to 40 years or longer.”

According to Confer, Eriez optimizes magnetic strength through proprietary coil and core designs as well as innovative winding techniques. He says, “Matched with superior materials, coolants, controls and a patented expansion tank design, our suspended electromagnets provide industry leading strength and coil life.”