Lightweight Selecto Continuous Duty Electro Lifting Magnets from Eriez enable incredibly fast lifts and bring unbeatable power and reliability to hundreds of applications. These easy to install and use magnets eliminate the need for hooks, slings and grabs, providing cost savings and improving efficiency.
Designed for use individually or in multiples, all Selecto Electro Lifting Magnets are rated at 100 percent duty-cycle for continuous operation. A broad range of models are available to handle loads from 375 to 12,125 lbs.
SL series Selecto Electro Lifting Magnets require a compact Eriez variable-voltage rectifier controller or a fixed-voltage rectifier to furnish the desired D.C. power from any A.C. source. The controller can be mounted in any convenient location near the area where the lifting magnet is stationed.
ST series units have a miniaturized rectifier/drop control circuit with a "Lift-Off-Drop" switch attached to the magnet. This innovative feature can briefly cancel out any residual magnetism to allow the load to be easily discharged from the magnet and does away with the need for a separate rectifier.