PRAB develops E-Series Chip Processing System

PRAB has developed a skid-mounted chip processing system for low-volume applications. Processing volumes of less than 1,000 pounds of scrap metal is now efficient, cost-effective, and profitable with PRAB's E-Series chip processing system. The skid-mounted system is fork-lift compatible and can be as small as a 8.5' x 4' footprint. The E-Series Systems are engineered for each application and have all of the necessary equipment for effectively processing chips and collecting fluids for recycle.

The value of scrap is increased, safety and environmental compliance enhanced, and productivity improved when chip and fluid handling are automated.

• Produces 98 percent dry chips with the centrifuge/wringer

• Recycle wet metal chips and turnings and reclaim cutting fluids

• Completely self-contained and forklift portable

• A reversible diagonal shaft wringer affords increased efficiency and low maintenance

• Screw conveyor meter feeds system to prevent binding and clogging

• Discharge screw conveyor elevates dry chips for disposal

• Includes a 50 gallon fluid recovery tank

• Complete with user friendly PLCs with touchscreen HMI

• Typical layout have only a 8.5' x 4' footprint

Related Glossary Terms

  • recovery


    Reduction or removal of workhardening effects, without motion of large-angle grain boundaries.