J.W. Winco Inc. offers GN 927.5 stainless steel clamping levers with eccentrical cam, with plastic contact plate, tapped type, in inch and metric sizes.
These RoHS-compliant clamping levers are used for rapid clamping and releasing operations. In contrast to a clamping operation utilizing only threads and a lateral force, these levers permit torque-free clamping via a combined downward vertical and cam actuated motion. The lever has been designed to insure that its movement cannot exceed the maximum clamping position.
Lever and components are all made of stainless steel. Type A has an adjustable contact plate of black technopolymer (Polyacetal POM), glass fiber reinforced, with setting nut of stainless steel. Type B has a fixed contact plate of black technopolymer (Polyamide), glass fiber reinforced. The advantages of the Type A are that the distance between the eccentrical cam and the contact surface is adjustable by means of a fine threaded knurled nut. This permits the maximum clamping force to be set by a simple adjustment.
In addition, this also allows the selection of a preferred lever position in relation to the clamping lever pin. With these clamping levers, thrust forces of up to 8 kN (1800 lbf) can be obtained.
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Related Glossary Terms
- computer-aided manufacturing ( CAM)
computer-aided manufacturing ( CAM)
Use of computers to control machining and manufacturing processes.