With the acquisition of Prometec GmbH, Aachen, Germany, Sandvik Coromant "strengthens its offering in digital manufacturing," according to a Sandvik news release issued Feb. 1. A supplier of advanced solutions for monitoring and controlling of machining processes in production machines, Prometec will be integrated with Sandvik Coromant, a product area within Sandvik Machining Solutions.
“The acquisition of Prometec has great importance for several reasons," said Sandvik Coromant President Klas Forsström. "Prometec adds an important skill set in the field of digital manufacturing and, together with Sandvik Coromant, opens new business opportunities for an expansion in this area."
Dr. Klaus Christoffel, previously the manager for product management and design at Sandvik Coromant in Germany, has been named managing director for Prometec within Sandvik.
Said Christoffel: "The acquisition is a natural step in line with the Sandvik Coromant long-term strategy to develop attractive solutions in the field of digital manufacturing, also called Industry 4.0. In this area, we want to offer our customers monitoring solutions that support both the planning and the control of production.
"Sandvik Coromant already has a product offering within digital manufacturing," he added, "and by the acquisition of Prometec, we can offer our customers new opportunities for providing solutions across the value chain."
Prometec, which also supplies equipment for laser beam diagnostics, primarily operates in the European and North American market. A large part of the customer base comes from the global automotive industry.
Dr. Werner Kluft, founder and previous sole shareholder of Prometec, said the move "will constitute a solid base for continued growth, from which also our customers worldwide will benefit. Thus, Prometec secures a further competitive advantage."