MeasurLink Collection Scheduler

Collection Scheduler Timer Reset as Soon as Measurements are Taken in Real-Time.

Mitutoyo America Corporation is pleased to announce the release of a new module into our MeasurLink® Suite.

MeasurLink’s Collection Scheduler is a module that allows the user to track measurement collection times for multiple active or suspended runs on that Real-Time station. The module displays tiles for each run and shows several color stages based on checkpoints to keep measurements on track. In addition, an email can alert the supervisor if no measurement is started within specified time.

Designed for customers that manufacture and measure on a timed measurement schedule, Collection Scheduler works in conjunction with any Real-Time edition to alert operators when the next measurement is due with a colorful Andon display and timer.

The perfect tool to keep measurements on-time for operators running multiple machines or jobs, the Collection Scheduler timer will reset as soon as measurements have been taken in Real-Time. Supervisors can receive email alerts when measurements miss their assigned schedule or simply keep an eye on the entire shop-floor schedule using Process Manager’s new Collection Scheduler view.

Other Features Include:

  • Colorful Andon Display: Run tiles turn red or yellow if schedules are due or about to be due to help operators easily recognize when measurements need to occur.
  • Customized Schedules: Set schedules for each day or shift to suit organizational needs.
  • Auto-switch Between Modules: Select the run due for measurement and automatically launch it in Real-Time. Suspend the run and automatically return to Collection Scheduler for easy operation.
  • Customizable Layout: Set the size and layout of the run tiles to make easy identification when managing multiple runs.