JTM Products Inc.

TapRite V’s advanced formulation provides many benefits to metalworkers. It has excellent wetting properties with a strong affinity to metal surfaces, allowing the fluid to migrate to the workpiece / tool interface faster than similar products. Its exceptional flowability improves handling as well as simplifying the operator’s task by flowing into…
JTM Products Inc. has announced a new generation industrial multipurpose penetrant/lubricant. Barracuda Triple Action Lubricant has a proprietary formulation that penetrates, cleans and protects metal. It penetrates and breaks-free seized fasteners better than the leading consumer penetrant. With a unique chemistry, it works quickly, attracting it…
JTM Products Inc. has announced a new line of full synthetic metalworking coolants. SynMAX coolants benefit from a radically different chemistry to exceed the performance of semisynthetic fluids but without oil and without the historical drawback of past generations of synthetics. The result for operators is maximized machining output yielding…
A new high performance tapping fluid has been announced by its manufacturer, JTM Products Inc.
A unique new mircoemulsion coolant for heavy duty/severe machining has been announced by its manufacturer, JTM Products Inc.